I work with adolescents, young people up to the age of 25 and parents.

I originally became interested in training as a psychotherapist having found the experience of therapy incredibly helpful when I was a young person.

I have worked with young people in the care system, in-patient settings, as well as young people preparing for, or adapting to, university or other life changes such as moving out and living on their own.

I trained as a counsellor with the Place2Be and I completed my Masters in Psychotherapy at the Tavistock and Portman Clinic.

I am a member of the Association of Child Psychotherapy (ACP), the professional body for psychoanalytic adolescent psychotherapy in the UK, which is regulated by the Professional Standards Authority.

Supervision for Key Workers

I offer supervision to key workers and therapists who work with young people, and their families, providing a space to explore how they work and how they are affected by their young clients.

Supervision allows one to reflect on how we engage with young people and by looking at the ‘how’, we can better manage our interactions with young people and their families. It is a process that allows one to feel unencumbered.

I facilitate a non-biased space for therapists to reflect on their work and think about what interventions they can use to help support their clients. For organisations, supervision has been shown to improve staff retention rates.

I can offer individual supervision or group supervision.