It all begins with an initial conversation



The process of therapy is never an easy step to make, but I hope that my compassion, and lively curiosity enables engagement and insight.

Adolescence can be a tricky time, especially as young people move into early adulthood post pandemic. This process is further complicated by social media and its effects on how people see themselves and their place in the world.


How I work

Therapy is a place of support to make meaning of difficult feelings, so I am always focused on being flexible and providing a service that best suits a given individual.

I typically start with an initial conversation to think how we might best work together and gather up a brief understanding of presenting problems. This initial conversation will always take place by via phone.

As a second step, I will schedule a 50 minute session with the young person. If we both decide there is a good fit, we can then schedule in 3 sessions in order for me to gain a greater understanding of the issues and for the young person to have an experience of therapy.

Often these 3 sessions can be enough to ‘unstick’ the young person and enable them to move forward.


My areas of expertise

  • Abuse

  • Anxiety

  • Bereavement

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Cultural Identity

  • Depression

  • Self-Esteem

  • Separation

  • Social Anxiety

  • Post Traumatic Stress

  • Trauma

  • Body Dysmorphia

  • Self harm